
The Dictators’ Club


Russia and China Running Classic Divide and Conquer PSYOPs

It is a classic war aim to divide and conquer. Putin’s war criminal regime and Xi Jinping’s communist elite continue to wage social media psychological warfare against police, military, race and religious groups in the USA to spark fear, mutual violence, and if possible, insurrection or coup. The autocratic East is likely doing the same…

Keeping It Real: Reminders About The Dictators’ Club

The Dictators’ Club uses force, corruption, subversion, degradation, reeducation camps, unjust prosecutions, assassinations, and systematic lies to try to destroy opponents, dismantle free nations, and wage gray and open warfare to realize their expansionist plans. They are not likely to change unless they have to do so. Reminder on the Nature of Today’s Autocrat Regimes…