

Strategic Factors: Constitutional or Utopian, Progress or Restraint?

The value of being conservative or progressive depends on the merit and persuasive gravity of the objectives that progressive or conservative goals would achieve at home and in U.S. foreign policy. If the achievement of progress or restraint morphs into provocative, anti-constitutional, one-party, identity-tribal, or single branch government ideology at home, it will be seen…

Is the Zambezi River Authority a Model for Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan?

Issues: The Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam, or GERD, is a massive Nile River dam project impacting tens of millions downstream and upstream. Ethiopia cites national sovereignty in its right to build and fill the dam to stabilize its own infrastructural, agricultural, and energy future. Egypt and Sudan cite risks to their water, agriculture, and energy…


Privacy and national security are in a form of quantum entanglement over the internet. Stratpass Corp defined the issue five years ago in terms of “Privacy-as-Security,” and centering on the need for greater legal power instituted in the individual right to consent, not consent, or withdraw consent to a number of things that happen to…

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