

The Regime Too Expensive for the World

Iran has reportedly started shipping ballistic missiles to Russia to use against Ukraine, adding to its destabilizing weapons trafficking portfolio of terrorists, oppressive regimes, cartels, and aggressor states. Iran’s lethal trade is aimed mostly at Israel, other free nations, and against opponents to authoritarian leaders or military juntas that can provide sanctions-free income streams to…

War Propaganda Snapshot: 2 Putin Agenda “News” Sites

NewsGuard reported on June 11th, 2024 that counterfeit local news websites run by hostile foreign governments and extreme right or left leaning PACs for the first time outnumbered legitimate local news websites in the United States. Two ad based websites using WordPress blog sites helped illustrate the trend last week, found within the first two…


Russia and China Running Classic Divide and Conquer PSYOPs

It is a classic war aim to divide and conquer. Putin’s war criminal regime and Xi Jinping’s communist elite continue to wage social media psychological warfare against police, military, race and religious groups in the USA to spark fear, mutual violence, and if possible, insurrection or coup. The autocratic East is likely doing the same…

Public Domain

Iran Regime: Russia’s and China’s Destabilizer Bot

The dictatorial theocracy of Iran has been a quasi-vassal of larger dictatorships since the Iranian revolution of 1978-79. Today Iran acts in the strategic interests of Russia and China as it seeks membership in their regional organization, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. From 1997-2006, Russia under Putin was the top heavy conventional weapons supplier to Iran…

Tackling a Big History Lie Fueling Putin’s Xi-Jinping-Aided Aggression

Despite Beijing’s global posturing in support of national sovereignty it uses sleight of hand to export “dual use” technology (civilian and military) to supply Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine’s sovereignty. Yet Ukraine’s sovereignty is a matter of widespread international recognition. China’s strategy seems simple: tax Ukraine and the West to the point that it…

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