To Shorten Wars and Prevent Wider War The Biden Administration Should Lift Allies’ Conventional Strike Restrictions Against Iran’s and Russia’s Conventional Military Targets

October 4, 2024

Ukraine & Israel: Ukraine and Israel face common adversaries axially aligned. Russia and China enable Iran and its terror proxies with lethal supply and know-how to wage war against Israel. Russia and China could sanction Iran but do not. Iran, China, and North Korea likewise back Russia’s increasingly genocidal war of aggression against Ukraine.

Despite these facts, the Biden Administration publicly calls Israel not to strike Iranian nuclear facilities and publicly calls Ukraine not to use long range U.S.- provided conventional weapons against conventional targets and supplies deep inside Russia.

The Biden Administration restrictions prevent shortening these wars by failing to prevent Iran’s development of the bomb and failing to permit Ukraine to destroy Russian supply lines and capacity as would force retreat or surrender of Russian troops in Ukraine.

If the Biden Administration lifts its restrictions on Ukraine and Israel, it would equalize power on the ground, shorten wars, save lives, and establish free nation allies by making continuing war too expensive for the tyrannical state and non-state aggressors to politically and militarily sustain.