Jurassic World as Allegory of Dictator Club’s Rise
Above: See the video Multi Dimension Thinking Needed Yesterday I wrote that black and white thinking is not consistent with the United States as a superpower going forward. Today I found a blockbusting cinema illustration of how black and white thinking does not get us ‘Left of Bang’ or in the movie’s case, ‘Left of…
A Colorful Cosmos Favors Creative Statesmanship Over Black and White Thinking
Black and white thinking is inconsistent with the United States as a superpower with a future. Reality is waveform and continuous, not a black and white still-life. As in viewing features on a landscape and noting linear patterns that almost always give away human activity, so black and white choices before us suggest likely erroneous…
Blockade the Houthi Blockade
Photo credit CC License: Ferdinand Reus from Arnhem, Holland. Situation The Houthis of Yemen have bombarded Red Sea commercial shipping against Western interests using the Iran regime’s funds, arms, training, and equipment with indirect benefit and support to Beijing and Moscow, whose Red Sea traffic is exempt from Houthi fires and Iranian harassment. Naval and…
Defusing Swarm-Escalation with Robotic Working Craft
Setup: China’s maritime militia is causing chaos to make a point that everyone gets already: Xi Jinping does not want China humiliated. It uses armed vessel swarms, water cannons, intimidation, ramming, and brinksmanship backed-up by PLA Navy’s terraformed military bases, coast guard, and PLAN assets to assert dominion over the entire South China Sea (SCS…
China’s Strategic Buffering and Iran
Yesterday, Britain, France, and Germany asserted that Iran has violated a U.N. Resolution buttressing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) by “developing and testing ballistic missiles, transferring hundreds of drones to Russia, and enriching uranium to an unprecedented 60% level for a country without a nuclear weapons program — all in violation of a…
Argument: Iran’s Theocratic Regime is No Longer a Legitimate Nation State Government
Argument: The theocratic dictatorship of Iran is so deeply involved in terror sponsorship, principal-agent terror relationships, terrorist proxy supply, and destabilization activities adversely affecting other legitimate nation states that it can no longer be considered a legitimate nation state government itself. Iran rather fits the description of a terrorist organization occupying a former nation state’s…
Strategic Patterns: China & Russia Seek Control Over Food & Migration
Setup There is a common strategic pattern in China’s pursuit of global food supply control at-Sea, international agricultural ownership, and support for Russia as it guns for Ukraine as Europe’s breadbasket. China also supports Russia as Moscow asserts its “plus” influence on OPEC, towards inflating fuel and therefore food prices in many markets. China also…
The United States Between War and Peace
The Situation We Find Ourselves In The term “War-Peace Duality” implies a middle spectrum of risks and options for U.S. defense, security, and freedom between open kinetic war and peace abroad. Russia and China have been busy in this space while the U.S. focused on its global war on terror post-9-11. Labels for this middle…
Russia and China Running Classic Divide and Conquer PSYOPs
It is a classic war aim to divide and conquer. Putin’s war criminal regime and Xi Jinping’s communist elite continue to wage social media psychological warfare against police, military, race and religious groups in the USA to spark fear, mutual violence, and if possible, insurrection or coup. The autocratic East is likely doing the same…
Unity Series Part III: There is a Season
Is a teenager conservative in growth? An octogenarian liberal in speech? A mother conservative in love? Or a father liberal with his family’s safety? Is a government that taxes heavily without having achieved conservatively efficient government operations liberal in returns for the taxpayer? Is a government that conservatively taxes too little in a time of…