Who Has America’s Center of Gravity: The United States of America’s Race for President, 2024
The Center of Gravity of the United States is mostly about who the great majority of Americans really are, deep down, toward others. Deep down, are they about loving their neighbors or hating them?
If hatred rules, the United States will fall apart in division and poverty, and our adversaries will move in and rule us harshly. That hasn’t happened. Hatred is the path to hell, and that is against every major faith practiced in America except perhaps some outlier sects, and the great majority of Americans do not believe in those.
The Center of Gravity of the United States is more than any statement, pledge, creed, or law. It includes all of these and more. It is more than identity, race, gender, faction, organization, party, leader, or doctrine. It is not of words alone. It is the countless actions of all persons past, present, and future who have served and will serve their fellow Americans unselfishly.
Dividers and destroyers are bad leaders who choose favorites and constantly switch them out, creating hatred and division. Why knuckle under to that hatred trance and lose everything, soul included? That’s not strength, that’s weakness for the United States. No person any one of us loves will benefit.
Revenge does not win, whereas unity, preparation, deterrence, and a strong, unified defense with professionalism not hatred, can prevent loss of our people, our allies, and what is good about our way of life.
Love your neighbor as yourself, and a house divided against itself cannot stand, taught Jesus, the Jewish Rabbi, Savior to Christians, prophet to Muslims, and great teacher to secularist ethicists.
Mercenaries and narcissistic people are unprofessional, poor leaders who usually commit crimes and become tyrants. They feed off of hatred, anger, pride, selfishness, excess, prejudicial judgement, and playing favorites with conflicts of interest. Vote against them.
As a nation, individually and collectively we must cast out such sicknesses and love our neighbors of all backgrounds and demographics. We need merit, evidence, and good ethics guiding our decisions. We need balance, freedom, and space for others, not materialism, unwarranted distrust, abuse, trauma, excessive luxury, obsession, narrowness, and addiction.
Within the ethos of loving our neighbors the USA requires warranted distrust of those who would destroy their neighbors and divide the nation. The fulfillment of laws and the spirit of the laws fairly, without favoritism, discretionary mercy on the repentant, and grace that wins friends is what we need in leadership of Americans at home.
What makes the United States special includes the relationships, families, communities, individuals, friends, loved ones, wonderful species of all kinds of creatures, competitors, faith, feelings, thoughts, ideas, work, worship, spirit, labor, intellect, art, sport, science, ethos upon ethos, business, and sacrifice of so many people that it is too great to comprehend. Our military people have fought for these qualities in the USA and our leaders must lead for and with them lest we fall.
Freedom is a core element in the Center of Gravity of virtues in the USA, as is the rule of lawful decision making where Americans differ. These ideals are what makes the people of the United States able to fall and get back up again, to unify, thrive, think, debate, agree, and unify again.
To set aside heart hardening pride and adopt heart emboldening powers of love, mercy, courage, service, and wisdom, from richest to poorest, is also the Center of Gravity of the United States. The rich help the poor meet their needs and grow their wealth, and the poor can help the rich let go of the wealth that chokes out their spiritual and emotional happiness and joy.
That is how E Pluribus Unum is achieved from the ideals and virtues that are our national center of gravity prompting us to live them out in our lives together.