

Putin’s Willpower: The 25% Tariffs on Canada and Mexico

The only effective purpose of hitting both Canada and Mexico with 25% tariffs at once, besides causing economic havoc, damaging free trade resource-price efficiencies, and levying a hidden tax on Americans, is to enrage Canadians and Mexicans to make more, not fewer, likely to collaborate with the Putin regime and its more powerful totalitarian partner…

Keeping the U.S.A. Out of Foreign Nation State Hands

Here is a historic quote no less true today during attempts to put Kash Patel over the FBI, Tulsi Gabbard over the ODNI, and Pete Hegseth over the Defense Department: “If Russia seizes the West’s secret services, it controls Western policies. If it taps into Western intelligence services, it makes them serve the Kremlin. That’s…

Putin Perpetuates Mass Abuse of the Poor and Middle Classes via Weaponized Migration

Historic Repeat Thesis: The regime of Vladimir Putin is one of a number of resurgent vanguard dictatorships with ideological-DNA inherited from super-nationalist strains of autocratic authoritarianism shared by Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Like them, Putin commits mass collateral damage and displacement abuse against poor and middle class peoples at home and abroad. Like them, he…

To Shorten Wars and Prevent Wider War The Biden Administration Should Lift Allies’ Conventional Strike Restrictions Against Iran’s and Russia’s Conventional Military Targets

October 4, 2024 Ukraine & Israel: Ukraine and Israel face common adversaries axially aligned. Russia and China enable Iran and its terror proxies with lethal supply and know-how to wage war against Israel. Russia and China could sanction Iran but do not. Iran, China, and North Korea likewise back Russia’s increasingly genocidal war of aggression…


Strategy Essay: Zelensky’s Unmet Requests are Xi Jinping’s Political Capital for Invasion of Taiwan

Chinese leader Xi Jinping uses China’s manufacturing power to help Russia’s aggression against Ukraine not out of friendship for President Vladimir Putin, but because a Putin victory in Ukraine can help him ram through his imperial military agenda for Taiwan and the region. The U.S. and free allies, by their munitions and weapons supply to…

(Darrell Ames/U.S. Army)

Defending Ukraine, Changing War with Anti-Weapon Weapons

In February 2015, we wrote about a newly conceived category of advanced weapon systems purposed or repurposed to destroy aggressor states’ conventional weapons, ammo, and war supplies while such are used for aggression, yet refining the weapons to be ever more precise to that purpose, reducing collateral damage and depopulation: “These could be relabeled “disarmament…

Tasnim News, state outlet

Russia-Iran in Context: President Masoud Pezeshkian’s Glass House is also a Nesting Egg

AP reported yesterday: “Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian on Wednesday slammed the West, saying that Israel is “committing massacres” in the war in Gaza and using European and American weapons to do so.“ President Pezeshkian shattered yet another of Tehran’s glass houses given that Iran’s regime culturally and materially engineered Hamas to attack Israel on October…

Reality Over Reactivity for Right Result in Deterrence and Détente

As Iran provides Russia with short range ballistic missiles to use against Ukraine, U.S. officials are reportedly mulling approval of Ukraine’s request to use longer range U.S. weapons to strike Russian targets deeper inside Russia. Asked whether Ukraine should be allowed long range strike capabilities into Russian territory with U.S.-supplied weapons, The Wall Street Journal…


On People Leadership Ukraine’s Zelensky Has Earned Mantle as De Facto Leader of Eastern Slavs

Eastern Slavs, generally include Ukrainians, Russians, and Byelorussians yet it is Russia’s ruler today that uniquely implies Russia owns the highest tier of a presumed Eastern Slavic caste system with the right to dominate the others. Present day leader of Belarus, Alexandr Lukashenka is submissive to Putin and has acquiesced to Putin’s domination. Having based…

Public Domain Tag ukraine kiev Motherland patung kebebasan tengara langit awan Monumen Tengara bersejarah nasional siang hari energi bangunan Gambar Sematkan ke dalam artikel Anda (mis. Wordpress, Blogspot) Keterangan Matherland Statue, Kyiv, Ukraine Bebas-foto resolusi tinggi dari ukraine, kiev, Motherland, patung, kebebasan, tengara, langit, awan, Monumen, Tengara bersejarah nasional, siang hari, energi, bangunan @aics2a, diambil dengan ILCE-6000 11/07 2018 gambar yang diambil dengan 16.0mm, f/16.0s, 1/40s, ISO 100 Gambar dirilis bebas dari hak cipta di bawah Creative Commons cc0. Anda dapat mendownload, memodifikasi, mendistribusikan, dan menggunakannya bebas royalti untuk apa pun yang Anda suka, bahkan dalam aplikasi komersial. Atribusi tidak diperlukan. Gambar Terkait ukraine, kiev, Motherland, patung, kebebasan, tengara ukraine, kiev, Motherland, patung, kebebasan, tengara Monumen, patung, kesempatan, kemerdekaan, kemenangan, mexico Monumen, patung, kesempatan, kemerdekaan, kemenangan, mexico kiev, ukraine, langit, biara, gereja, awan-awan kiev, ukraine, langit, biara, gereja, awan-awan langit, bangunan, Monumen, pohon, pos, kota langit, bangunan, Monumen, pohon, pos, kota pohon, awan, langit, Monumen, siang hari, patung pohon, awan, langit, Monumen, siang hari, patung awan, langit, Monumen, siang hari, New york, kota New York awan, langit, Monumen, siang hari, New york, kota New York awan, langit, Monumen, siang hari, Arsitektur, struktur awan, langit, Monumen, siang hari, Arsitektur, struktur pohon, awan, Arsitektur, langit, cahaya, matahari terbenam pohon, awan, Arsitektur, langit, cahaya, matahari terbenam tengara, langit, Arsitektur, awan, menara, biru tengara, langit, Arsitektur, awan, menara, biru langit, tengara, menara, siang hari, alam, pencakar langit langit, tengara, menara, siang hari, alam, pencakar langit pencakar langit, kota, tengara, daerah metropolitan, daerah perkotaan, Pemandangan kota pencakar langit, kota, tengara, daerah metropolitan, daerah perkotaan, Pemandangan kota tengara, Arsitektur, menara, langit, biru, bangunan tengara, Arsitektur, menara, langit, biru, bangunan Komentar avatar semua Komentar(2) ra@upec.ua Kerja bagus как хорошо, что дали оригинал! (без той дурацкой подложки по небу) ra@upec.ua 2018-11-09 16:22:37 Mohamed Hassan Kerja bagus super Mohamed Hassan 2018-11-20 17:33:50 aics2a aics2a / 3 gambar https://pxhere.com/id/photogra... CC0 Area publik Gratis untuk penggunaan pribadi dan komersial Tidak diperlukan atribusi Selengkapnya

Essay: Xi Jinping Gambles on Putin’s Wars. China’s Jiang Zemin & Hu Jintao Did Not Need To

Xi Jinping has since allowed Putin to steer the Chinese Communist Party’s risk tolerance toward an investment black hole in Russian military adventures with no limits in sight. The Black Hole As one who cares for and feeds an addict, China is investing in and creating a heavier and heavier albatross for itself to carry…