
nuclear proliferation

The Regime Too Expensive for the World

Iran has reportedly started shipping ballistic missiles to Russia to use against Ukraine, adding to its destabilizing weapons trafficking portfolio of terrorists, oppressive regimes, cartels, and aggressor states. Iran’s lethal trade is aimed mostly at Israel, other free nations, and against opponents to authoritarian leaders or military juntas that can provide sanctions-free income streams to…

China’s Strategic Buffering and Iran

Yesterday, Britain, France, and Germany asserted that Iran has violated a U.N. Resolution buttressing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) by “developing and testing ballistic missiles, transferring hundreds of drones to Russia, and enriching uranium to an unprecedented 60% level for a country without a nuclear weapons program — all in violation of a…

Russian Expansion Strategy: Active Measures and Nukes

In May, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said this to Russian TV audiences, per Reuters: “No one is against Kazakhstan and other countries having the same close relations that we have with the Russian Federation,” Lukashenko said. “If someone is worried … (then) it is very simple: join in the Union State of Belarus and Russia.…

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