Ideas for Dealing with Drone Threats to U.S. & Allied Paratroopers
As NATO’s new Secretary General lauds airborne capabilities within NATO there are questions and answers about the survivability of airborne troops in the age of anti-personnel drones and increasing swarm capabilities. The issue requires intelligent planning, defense tech innovation, operational innovation, and OODA loop work. As early as 2015 some, such as scholar Marc R.…
Jurassic World as Allegory of Dictator Club’s Rise
Above: See the video Multi Dimension Thinking Needed Yesterday I wrote that black and white thinking is not consistent with the United States as a superpower going forward. Today I found a blockbusting cinema illustration of how black and white thinking does not get us ‘Left of Bang’ or in the movie’s case, ‘Left of…
Advocation: Stand-Up “R4 Corps” Volunteer and Selective National Service
Advocation: The U.S. should stand up an “R4 Corps” as a rapid civilian defense, freedom, and security workforce adapting to the rising militancy of autocratic nuclear and proxy powers. The Mission “R4” could mean “Restore-Recycle, Retrofit, Remake, and Repurpose,” four activities applicable to all weapons, aircraft, drones, robots, munitions, vehicles, vessels, ships, boats, submarines, machines,…