
foreign policy

Released public domain US CBP

Policy Point: Domestic Illegal Migration Route Finding Sensors, Database, Predictive Analytics, Training Needed from Entry Points to Inland

Situation: Illegal border crossings reportedly dropped by 40% after the Biden Administration applied restrictions on immigration giving federal and state agencies an opportunity to catch-up on filtering, monitoring, checking, and securing threat-elements already in the country. Domestic migration observations, datapoints, analyses, and alternative migration route probabilities have never been more important. Combined with first responder…

Russian Expansion Strategy: Active Measures and Nukes

In May, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said this to Russian TV audiences, per Reuters: “No one is against Kazakhstan and other countries having the same close relations that we have with the Russian Federation,” Lukashenko said. “If someone is worried … (then) it is very simple: join in the Union State of Belarus and Russia.…

China’s Interest in Saudi Arabian Investment in Iran

China’s diplomatic aid mending Saudi-Iranian relations in the Middle East sees Saudi Arabia immediately offering investment in Iran in the name of Saudi Arabia’s self-interest in regional stability. Yet Saudi Arabia’s investment in Iran would bolster the Iranian regime’s capability to perpetuate repression of its own people, continue as Russia’s chief overt weapons supplier, and…

Strategic Factors: Constitutional or Utopian, Progress or Restraint?

The value of being conservative or progressive depends on the merit and persuasive gravity of the objectives that progressive or conservative goals would achieve at home and in U.S. foreign policy. If the achievement of progress or restraint morphs into provocative, anti-constitutional, one-party, identity-tribal, or single branch government ideology at home, it will be seen…

Covid19 Vaccine Influence in Latin America

Followup: This note adds context to discussions of ways to meet challenges to U.S. policies reversing autocratic digital influence in Latin America. Reports: Andres Oppenheimer wrote in the Miami Herald that the Trump Administration, as recently as late July, was not planning to supply Latin America with U.S.-developed vaccines while Russia and China have entered agreements to…

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