

Pattern Leads: Singapore Servers a Factor in China Hack?

Set-up: A Chinese hacker group called Storm-0558 reportedly breached accounts inside more than 24 organizations, including U.S. State Department officials’ Microsoft accounts leading-up to Secretary Antony Blinken’s June trip to Beijing. The hackers exploited a validation coding error enabling them to forge Azure AD tokens using an acquired Microsoft account (MSA) consumer signing key, as…

Massive Hack: First Thoughts and Caveats

Soon after Vladimir Putin’s rise to power, he pushed for a walled-off “Russian internet” which was a strategic shot fired across our bow. Russian operations since would turn global internet-dependent nations and entities into a constellation of sieves to reverse the internet security advantage in favor of the “Russian internet,” if such was attainable. Hackers have…

Recent History is Instructive: 2015 Warning from NSA’s Adm. Rogers

Recent history is instructive. Hear the then-Director of the National Security Agency, Adm. Michael Rogers: “At the moment, most of the [malicious cyber activity] has been theft,” Rogers said. “But what if someone gets in the system and starts manipulating and changing data, to the point where now as an operator, you no longer believe…