Russia-Iran in Context: President Masoud Pezeshkian’s Glass House is also a Nesting Egg

AP reported yesterday: “Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian on Wednesday slammed the West, saying that Israel is “committing massacres” in the war in Gaza and using European and American weapons to do so.

President Pezeshkian shattered yet another of Tehran’s glass houses given that Iran’s regime culturally and materially engineered Hamas to attack Israel on October 7th, 2023.

Iran’s leaders knew their sponsorship would inspire Hamas to provoke a very predictable and draconian Israeli offensive against them regionally, with human shielding by Hamas, collateral damage, zeal, revenge, and all the rest. Iran’s extremist, revolutionary regime knew how Hamas’s eventual aggression and terror would impact Palestinians.

The Palestinian people are non-combatant victims of Iran’s and Hamas’s terrorist human-shielding behaviors. They are also victims of Israel’s zeal and collateral damage impact rooted in a siege mentality largely created over decades with Iran and its proxies encircling and firing on Israel from Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, attempted volleys from Yemen, and Iran with elevated intensity between August 5th-7th, 2022 in which some 1,000 rockets were fired on Israel and Hamas’s October 7th, 2023 mass terrorist incursion and militant operation targeting Israel civilians, government, and military targets.

What transpires in Palestine today is consistent with Iran’s revolutionary project leveraging the Jews’ plight and establishment of a self-protective state after the total extermination campaign against their people not 85 years ago. Knowingly provoking Israel’s leaders under such historical and recent siege-like circumstances invites extreme prejudice in the Israeli response.

The above facts render less credible whatever else President Mousoud Pezeshkian has to say from inside the fiery revolutionary Nesting Egg-shaped kiln that is revolutionary Iran. Who if not the siloviki, trained by the fanatical revolutionary Soviet secret police, would understand how to manipulate and support a former empire desiring a return to imperial glory, just like them.

Whose interests have been served by the Iran regime’s 45-year reign of terror? Who has benefitted most from Iran’s nearly half century of hostage taking, car bombs, suicide bombers, assassinations, kidnappings, murders, woman beatings, political prisons, missile wars, militia proliferation, rocket barrages, bombings of Jewish targets, the U.S. Marine barracks bombing, the destabilization of Lebanon, catalysis of civil wars, interference in Syria, and collaboration with the likes of al-Qaeda against the United States? Not Iranians. Not Palestinians. Not Lebanese. Not Syrians. Not Sunnis. Not Shi’a Islam. None of those.

Over time, only the pampered Mullahs, some in the favored IRGC, the Soviets, and now Putin’s siloviki oligarchs benefit by Iran’s terrorizing and harassment of the free world. China is an indirect short-term beneficiary, however, its communist party must be confronted with facts about the drastic error in judgment of investing in the siloviki and revolutionary terror sponsor Iran. These will not be good future markets for the Chinese economy. Xi Jinping is allowing Chinese foreign policy to be driven by two unreliable sources: trust in Putin and fear of humiliation.

Hamas’s October 7, 2023 attack on Israel, and its timing, benefitted Putin’s silovarch regime in Moscow by:

-Diverting global attention away from Moscow’s wars of aggression and civilian bombardment of Ukraine, and if possible embroiling the United States in a war between Israel and Iran on Iran’s terms;

-Creating conditions to propagandize about false equivalency between Israel’s highly-provoked aggressive defensive-offense with Vladimir Putin’s initiated, unprovoked, and unjust aggression against Ukraine and her people;

-Dividing provisions of U.S. military aid and resources between Israel and Ukraine;

–Diverting attention from Moscow’s and the IRGC’s roles enabling and supporting the Assad regime’s draconian crackdowns on the Sunni Muslim majority in Syria, sparking civil war with millions of refugees through Turkey to Europe to try to divide NATO member countries’ citizens over the weaponized immigration issue;

Don’t Take the Bait

Clearly neither the United States, Israel, Ukraine, nor any free world allies should fall for these autocratic gambits and follow the continuous stream of false choices presented by the dictatorships.

Rather, free nations should create their own choices and futures on their own terms using their collective and combined instruments of power and leadership of their free peoples, uniting, rallying, and pioneering their way to rebalancing power against autocrats, and achieving victory over tyranny.

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