Putin Perpetuates Mass Abuse of the Poor and Middle Classes via Weaponized Migration

Historic Repeat Thesis: The regime of Vladimir Putin is one of a number of resurgent vanguard dictatorships with ideological-DNA inherited from super-nationalist strains of autocratic authoritarianism shared by Hitler, Stalin, and Mao. Like them, Putin commits mass collateral damage and displacement abuse against poor and middle class peoples at home and abroad. Like them, he does it to protect himself from the consequences of his parasitic expansion strategy.

Included in Putin’s portfolio of mass human misery: the Chechen wars; the Syrian civil war; the war of aggression on Ukraine; and the resourced, indirect facilitation and UN protection of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and Iran’s proxy militia attacks on Israel and the United States over time, including that of October 7, 2023 and the bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut in the 1983.

Russian Regime Abuses

Vladimir Putin’s abuses of the poor and less wealthy at home and abroad include his:

(1) wars against neighboring states such as Chechnya, provoking terror against Russians and exported terrorism upon the ejection of Islamists from Chechnya, Dagestan, and elsewhere in Russia’s Caucasus region, plus the related, ongoing cyclic expenses detracting from domestic budgets that may otherwise have improved Russia’s standard of living more evenly;

(2) wars against neighboring states such as Ukraine and Georgia, using mass conscription of poor Russians and migrant workers from former Soviet republics who are fed into a meat grinder of poorly thought-out, corruption-riddled, deluded, and ill-prepared wars of conquest;

(3) proxy wars, and active measure power-plays in less powerful non-nuclear states in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and in Latin America by which these proxy regimes cause refugee crises with Russian military and intelligence help, driving refugees toward the free nation geopolitical units able and willing to help them, such as the E.U., U.K., United States, and Canada; and some not so able, even if willing to help: such as Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and others along the global refugee pathways;

(4) active measures inside developed nuclear and non-nuclear constitutional democratic countries, including the E.U., U.K., and United States to heighten domestic political and interpersonal fear, anger, envy, and rage against forced and pressured migrants seeking refuge and or a better life;

(5) active measures sending intelligence operatives, proxy terrorists, spies, and or criminal elements into the free nations receiving large numbers of legal and illegal migrants, with these infiltrates taking actions that enhance the division, rage, and instability among domestic citizenries and migrant populations;

(6) war diplomacy and propaganda aimed at the ‘Global South’ and among populations uprooted by Moscow’s proxy regimes taking advantage of publicized incidents of politicians, vigilantes, police forces, and others in free nations that advocate, create, incite, or carry-out verbal or physical hostilities toward migrants.


Putin sponsors strongmen, terrorists, fake religious men, and authoritarians such as Maduro, Ortega, Haftar, Assad, Nasrallah, the Taliban, and Khamenei when they use crackdowns, assassinations, summary executions, and terrorism against their own peoples and neighboring countries. This drives refugee waves toward free nations. It has to stop at the sources in addition to establishing more effective border filters for those already enroute.