MAGA Quandary: Are The Majority 47’s Boss or Have They Abdicated to a Minority Extreme?

[Above photo: Proud Boys, pardoned by Trump, as seen with one of them with a shirt praising the Nazi’s perpetration of the Holocaust and specifically adopting Hitler’s obsession with blaming the Jewish people.) Chad Loder and one more author.
Fair use. File:Proud Boys wearing shirt with Neo-Nazi slogan 6 Million Wasn’t Enough – Dec 2020.jpg
Uploaded: 10 November 2023.]

The MAGA movement’s problem is not that the great majority of them are sinister people, though some are. They’re not generally evil. The problem is, it is not clear who is boss, those who hired the President by their vote, or the President who pardoned Proud Boys who assaulted the United States Capitol and Capitol Police. The question is important as extremists that 47 pardoned are calling for retaliation against whoever they deem enemies.

And yet, according to a Wall Street Journal poll, “Voters support many of the goals President-elect Donald Trump has set for his second term. They are just not on board with all the ways he wants to accomplish them.”

The voter does not take an oath of service to the elected, but the President takes an oath of office in service to the constitution as the supreme law of the land ordained and established by the people of all American eras, and by that, to the people. All the people. Yet POTUS speaks mostly of rewarding his supporters and donors, not serving all constituents.

The question here is, did the people identifying as MAGA abdicate and presume also that they have abdicated for everyone else as well?

The American way and spirit has always been a combination of rugged individuality and love of community combined. There is a balance. Abdication of the people’s power entirely vested in one man is not this American way.