Putin’s Willpower: The 25% Tariffs on Canada and Mexico

The only effective purpose of hitting both Canada and Mexico with 25% tariffs at once, besides causing economic havoc, damaging free trade resource-price efficiencies, and levying a hidden tax on Americans, is to enrage Canadians and Mexicans to make more, not fewer, likely to collaborate with the Putin regime and its more powerful totalitarian partner China against the security, defense, and freedom of all North Americans.

How are tariffs going to hurt drug and human trafficking cartels who collude with terrorists and malign nation state officials? They’re not, because cartels will not pay tariffs. Rather tariffs penalize legal, healthy, efficient economic trade activity, making it more likely that Mexico will become weaker to resist its cartels, not stronger. This, while incentivizing Mexican cartels to support anti-US government officials in Mexico.

The Putin regime’s goals: to create smuggling networks that will weaponize the Arctic, Canada, and Mexico against the United States by moving clandestine or covert Russian military assets and unconventional weapons into the United States. Russian weapons caches inside free nation countries is a thing, according to a number of defectors whose testimonies and intelligence came to light after the fall of the Soviet Union. The specter of nuclear weapon smuggling has also popped-up on the radar, as in the mid-1990 in this little known case.

It is said that when a queen foreign, hostile, or a threat to the hive enters a beehive, the hive knows it and will vibrate until the temperature’s too hot for her and she either flees or is cooked in place. The analogy to today’s situation is that the great majority of Americans merely refuse to act on the Administration’s demands, orders, and edicts that are ultra vires of the good faith fulfillment of the Constitutional Office of the Presidency for the general welfare of the United States.

The sabotage of the USA by the President is clearly happening, and the one driving it is no longer executing the Office of the U.S. Presidency in doing so. He is knowingly executing the interests of the Kremlin in dividing the U.S. from its neighbors and allowing the Kremlin to make inroads by taking down cyber defenses with regard to Russia, putting no pressure on Putin to compromise in Ukraine, jumping the gun to talk about commercial relations with Moscow despite its war crimes against Ukraine, in Syria, and its support for Hama.

Putin has the past communist and socialist bona fides from his Soviet service to reach out to rabid, anti-American parties so far of Left that they’ve fallen off the spectrum into a fascist-anarchist-cartel category indistinguishable from the extremist Right. By aiding and abetting these forces, President Trump is acting ultra vires of his Article II Office, oath, and the Constitution, and therefore abuses the power of the Presidency. Abuse of power of the Presidency is a grounds for impeachment, Senate conviction, and removal.

However, in the absence of clarity and political will to reverse the damage, the American people and all of their institutions, businesses, workforces, the Armed Forces, all government employees, and citizens can reverse this by refusing to follow subversive, USA-destructive, and treasonous orders.